Mt. Rushmore is in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The destination is surely a quickie stop along the way if driving though the area. There is a small trail at the bottom of the mountain that will allow you the opportunity to view the carvings from different angles but also learn about the area. At the end of the walk is a building that will allow you to see some tools and drawings used to build the four Presidents. Mt. Rushmore does not have a fee to get into the viewing area but you do have to pay for parking however. The $10.00 to park is somewhat steep for a visit that maybe 2 hours long. If you are in the area at night the park usually has a Ranger program and includes the lighting of the Presidents. Something cool to see and do. A side note is the if you drive past Mt. Rushmore about 1 mile there is a turnout to view the side of the Presidents. The only President you can see is George Washington and the view is very close and worth the little drive.
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